Thursday, October 20, 2011

graph search

An implementation of general graph search. The search strategy is determined by the definition on line 59, cost. The expression shown below produces an A* search. If instead one substitutes cost = sum . map dist . segments, the procedure becomes a uniform-cost search. Using length finds the path with fewest nodes, and simiarly dist [last ps, goal] produces a greedy best-first algorithm.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

simple alarm clock

Finally a useful program! ;)
import System.Time
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import Graphics.UI.SDL.Mixer
main = do
  SDL.init [InitAudio]
  openAudio 22050 AudioS16Sys 2 4096
  h:m:_ <- fmap (map read) getArgs
  wait h m
wait h m = do
  now <- toCalendarTime =<< getClockTime
  if h == ctHour now && m == ctMin now
    then alarm
    else delay 5000 >> wait h m
alarm = do
  mus <- loadMUS "sawtooth.ogg"
  forever $ playMusic mus 1 >> delay 7000

Sunday, May 22, 2011

the game of life

I find using a point set (rather than an array) to represent this CA surprisingly convenient. It suffers no edge effects, and I suspect its average-case complexity is less, since it's a function of the live cells' population, which grows little as a typical (random) pattern evolves.

An array representation on the other hand, grows proportionally with the area spanned by all live cells. Since random patterns quite often fire gliders in opposite directions, this area can grow very quickly.

Anyway, this program takes a .cells pattern file for an optional argument; you can also press 'r' while paused for a random pattern, or click to create your own.

{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Monad (liftM2, join)
import Data.List (delete, unfoldr)
import System.Random.Mersenne.Pure64 (newPureMT, randomInt)
import qualified "hashmap" Data.HashSet as S
import qualified "unordered-containers" Data.HashMap.Strict as M
(xres, yres, cellSz) = (1600, 900, 3)
main = withInit [InitVideo] $ do
  win  <- setVideoMode xres yres 32 [Fullscreen]
  args <- getArgs
  pat  <- case args of
           [s] -> loadPattern s
           _   -> return []
  enableEvent SDLMouseMotion False
  setCaption "Life" "Life"
  pause win pat
pause w cs = do
  delay 128
  drawCells w cs
  e <- pollEvent
  case e of
   KeyUp (Keysym SDLK_ESCAPE _ _) -> return ()
   KeyUp (Keysym SDLK_SPACE _ _)  -> run w cs
   KeyUp (Keysym SDLK_r  _ _)     -> pause w =<< randPattern
   MouseButtonUp x y _            -> click (scale x, scale y)
   _                              -> pause w cs
  scale                 = (`div` cellSz) . fromIntegral
  click c | c `elem` cs = pause w $ delete c cs
          | otherwise   = pause w $ c:cs
run w cs = do
  drawCells w cs
  e <- pollEvent
  case e of
   KeyUp (Keysym SDLK_ESCAPE _ _) -> return ()
   KeyUp (Keysym SDLK_SPACE  _ _) -> pause w cs
   _                              -> run w $ next cs
drawCells w cs = do
  fillRect w (Just $ Rect 0 0 xres yres) (Pixel 0)
  c <- createRGBSurface [SWSurface] cellSz cellSz 32 0 0 0 0
  mapM_ (draw c . scale) cs
  SDL.flip w
  rect (x,y) = Just $ Rect x y cellSz cellSz
  scale      = join (***) (* cellSz)
  draw c p   = do fillRect c Nothing $ Pixel 0xFFFFFF
                  blitSurface c Nothing w $ rect p


loadPattern = fmap parse . readFile   -- reads .cells format
  parse = center . clean . coord . strip . lines
  strip = dropWhile $ (== '!') . head
  coord = zipWith zip $ map (zip [0..] . repeat) [0..]
  clean = concatMap $ map fst . filter ((== 'O') . snd)
randPattern = fmap f newPureMT
  f = center . uncurry zip . splitAt 48 . g
  g = map (`rem` 9) . unfoldr (Just . randomInt)

center = map $ (x+) *** (+y)
  [x,y] = map (`div` (2 * cellSz)) [xres, yres]
next cs = [i | (i,n) <- M.toList neighbors,
           n == 3 || (n == 2 && S.member i cs')]
  cs'         = S.fromList cs
  moore (x,y) = tail $ liftM2 (,) [x, x+1, x-1] [y, y+1, y-1]
  neighbors   = M.fromListWith (+) $ map (,1) $ moore =<< cs

Monday, February 21, 2011

magic squares

If your magic square needs are more industrial there are always better ways...
import Data.List (transpose, intersect)
answers  =  filter valid squares
              where valid m = diag1 m == 15 && diag2 m == 15
squares  =  horz combos `intersect` vert combos
              where vert = map transpose . horz
combos   =  [ [a,b,c] | a <- ns, b <- ns, c <- ns, a + b + c == 15 ]
              where ns = [1..9]
horz m   =  [ [a,b,c] | a <- m, b <- m, c <- m, uniq (a ++ b ++ c) ]
diag1 m  =  head (head m) + ((m !! 1) !! 1) + last (last m)
diag2 m  =  last (head m) + ((m !! 1) !! 1) + head (last m)
uniq ns  =  let f (n:ns) xs = n `notElem` xs && f ns (n:xs)
                f _ _       = True
            in f ns []